Open PDFs in Adobe Reader So They Automatically Fit to Page
By default, when you open up a pdf in Adobe Reader, they are automatically opened at 75% zoomed in so you have to pinch to zoom out to see it fully. Now you can have it automatically display at 'fit pdf width to screen width' to see the entire first page.
HKCU\Software\Adobe\AdobeReaderLE.25\InitialZoomTy pe change to 1.
Change Haptic Feedback in HTC Calculator
Turn off haptic feedback by using this tweak: HKLM/Software/HTC/Calculator/Vibrate change to 0
Change the strength of Haptic Feedback by going here: HKLM/Software/HTC/Calculator/VibrateLevel change to 0 for no feedback or 6 for high level of feedback. You can choose between 0 to 6.
Make Common Apps Open Instantly With No Delay
The most often used apps on the HD2 would be SMS and Email. As the HD2 has plenty of memory and it is very hard to fill it up during use, why not add these two apps to the task manager exception list. This means they will never truely exit and will always be open in the background. The benefit of this is that HTC Messaging does not automatically refresh and redraw the contact thumbnails when you load the app. Instant opening of both apps with no load time. You can add any other app to this list too if you never want it to exit.
Just use this tweak. HKCU\Software\HTC\TaskManager\ExclusiveList\System and add a new DWORD Value of Messaging_Client.exe and tmail.exe
Enable Landscape View for YouTube and Streaming Media Apps
The benefit for enabling landscape view for Youtube is you can see truncated video titles in full length. Just make the following reg tweaks to enable both apps:
HKLM\Software\HTC\YouTube\EnableRotate change to 1
HKLM\Software\HTC\StreamingDShow\EnableRotateScree n change to 1
Then add Youtube and Streaming Media apps to the gsensor whitelist registry using BsBTweaks. You shake your phone and BSB adds the active app to the registry. You must reset to see changes.
Increase the Number of Allowed Recipients in Group SMS
The max number of defualt contacts to send a group SMS is 10. You can change it to 50 by using this tweak:
Change from 10 to 50
Change Google Search Language and Country of Origin in Internet Tab
Some users experience a German version of Google Search when using the search feature direct from the Internet tab. Now you can modify it to your country.
Go to HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\ and create a new String Value.
Name = Internet.SearchUrl
String = (without "http://www.")
You can put any search engine here. "Pda" is included in the above String to optimize it for your phone. If you want the html search version view then just delete the "pda/" part. Also instead of "en-GB" you can put your own country code such as "en-US", "it", "fr", "de" etc to change the language of the Google Search interface. You can also change the "" to your own Google page for your country by using ".it" or ".fr" or ".com" or ".de" etc.
Change Text in Google Search Field in Internet Tab
You can edit what it says in the search box on the internet tab (default is "Google Search").
Go to HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\ and create a new String Value.
Name = Internet.SearchTitle
Value = Tap here to search Google (or any other wording you like).
Speed Up Music Album Loading on Reboot
After a reboot and you scroll to Music Tab, you have to wait quite a while for all the music files to be loaded. Now you can speed this up by making it load as soon as the phone starts and before reaching the tab. Go to your Windows folder and find the file "AudioManager_Eng.exe" Create a shortcut (.lnk file) of this file and put it in your Windows\StartUp folder.
Organise All Your Icons into Category Folders in Start Menu
Using a File Explorer, add new folders to your 'Windows\Start Menu\Programs' folder. Name them like: Web, Travel, Utilities, System, Audio, Video, Imaging, Fun etc. Move the relevant shortcuts from you 'Start Menu\Programs' folder to your category folders. You will need to use a 3rd party file explorer to unhide system files and rom files to see the pre-installed icons to move them to your folders. These icons/shortcuts are '.lnk' files. Remember each time you install or remove an app, you have to either move the new 'lnk' icon to your category folder or delete it.
Set a Music File as a Ringtone
Using File Explorer, you can tap and hold on an mp3 file and choose "Set As Ringtone". Also, just copy any MP3 file to "\Storage Card\My Documents" folder and all of the mp3 files copied to that folder will show in list as ringtone and SMS tone.
Faster Keyboard Responsivness when Typing
Change InitialDelay from 375 to 100
Receive Bluetooth Files Without Entering a Passkey
By default when a device which is not on your paired devices list is going to send you a file by BT OBEX Push, the BT manager requires a passkey. You can't disable this in the normal control panel but you can in the registry.
Go to HKLM\Software\WIDCOMM\BTConfig\Services\0002
Change Encryption from 1 to 0 (to not use a passkey)
Change Authorization from 1 to 0 (to receive all files without asking)
Enable More Future Events in People Facebook Tab
By default you can only see Facebook events within 30 days but you can make it show events which are 60 or even 90 days away.
Go to HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Facebook.LeadTimeOfEvents and change 30 to 60, or 90 or any other amount of days.
Instant Tap and Hold in Email
When viewing your list of emails, instead of tapping and holding an email and waiting 2 seconds for a pop up menu to appear, you can get the same menu to appear instantly by tapping the envelope icon to the left of the screen.
Show HTC Shortcut Icons in Start Menu
You can have shortcuts in your Start Menu to Peep (Twitter), People, Music, HTC Calendar, HTC Reader by using the following tweak:
Go to HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\IsShortcutEnable and change from 0 to 1.
Use Outlook Contact Photo Instead of Facebook Photo
Once you sync to Facebook, in HTC People all your Outlook contact photos change to Facebook profile photos. To swap them back, just seltect a contact and then Edit Contact and tap on the photo to swap it.
Save Camera Photos Direct to Storage Card
For new owners out there, open the camera app, then go to the settings and in the Menu, tap the Storage box so it shows a memory card icon.
Files You Should Back up Before a Hard Reset for Trouble Quicker Restoration
After a hard reset, it is a pain to have to restore your custom settings etc. Here are my recommended files to back up. Some files and folders can just be copied to a backup folder on your Storage Card, while registry entries will need to be exported to your backup folder. To restore after a hard reset just overwrite the orginal file.
Windows\Favorites (Web Browser favorites)
Windows\ET9IMEDB folder (T9 custom dictionary and added words)
Windows\YouTube folder (Saved Channels, Favorites, History and Search)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\People\FavoriteOrde r - a Registry Key Folder (The order of your favourites in People Tab)
Most importantly, use the free PIM Backup app to save your Contacts, Emails, SMS, Tasks, Call Logs, Speed Dials and Calendar entries (free download at
Shortcut to Comm Manager
Instead of scrolling to Settings tab and tapping on Wireless Controls, you can also access the Comm Manager by tapping the top task bar to get the Notifications screen and then taping on the phone reception icon. The beauty of this method is you don't need to be seeing the touchflo tabs and can get to Comm Manager while in any other app showing the top task bar.
Enable Align Screen Calibration in Settings
Certain US roms or custom roms do not have the screen calibration option showing in All Settings, System, Screen. This allows you to tap on crosshairs to calibrate the screen. To enable it just use the registry tweak below:
HKLM\ControlPanel\Pen and change from 1 to 0.
Enable All Settings Shortcut in Start Menu
Most roms have the Settings shortcut in Start Menu link to the Manila Settings tab. To gain access to the Windows Mobile settings you have to go to the Manila Settings tab, hit Menu and then hit All Settings. The following tweak adds a new shortcut to the All Settings page. Soft reset required.
HKLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo\HideSettings and change 1 to 0.
ReEnable Facebook Album Thumbnails
After many tweaks you may have realised you can no longer download your friend's Facebook albums in the Album tab. Go to the following registry and make sure the cachesize is set to 0 and then reboot: HKLM\SYSTEM\STORAGEMANAGER\FATFS\CacheSize set to 0.
Enable Sent SMS Status Notifications
By default, you have no confirmation if an SMS has been sent or not. Now you can enable a pop up message to tell you if an SMS has been successfully sent and even if it has failed. Go to All Settings, Sounds & Notifications, Notifications tab, tap on Event and choose Message: Send failed and check Display message on screen. Next choose Message: Send succeeded and check Display message on screen. Finally you must also make the following reg tweak:
HKLM\Software\Jataayu\Messaging\DisableSMSSucess change from 1 to 0. This tweak works on specific roms alas.
Quick Manual Update on Twitter Tab
Normally to manually update the Twitter tab, you have to tap on Menu and then Update Now. You can save one tap by just tapping on the sync icon - right above your top listed tweet on the Twitter tab. Also works with weather tab.
Solution to Trouble Signing into Twitter Using HTC Peep
To avoid a login error with the HTC Peep Twitter client, make sure you've signed out of Twitter in the browser of your computer.
Choose What is Shown in the Thumbnail for Favourite Shortcuts
The first time when you add a favourite shortcut to the Internet Tab, a screenshot is captured of the website and saved to your shortcut. The screen capture is of the top left corner of the website as soon as it is finished loading. To get a closer/zoomed in screen shot of maybe the title logo of the website, double tap to zoom in and drag so the top left corner shows what you want it to show and wait. You should do this WHILE the page is still loading and before it finishes. Again, this only works when adding a shortcut for the first time.
Activate Camera Flash Even On Low Battery
Dy default you cannot use the camera flash when the batter level is very low. Use the following reg tweak to allow you to use the camera flash even when battery is low:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\Battery\FlashLightPowerUnavai lable and change from 1 to 0.
Disable Keyboard Vibration
Some people find the vibration when typing a message to be a distraction. You can disable haptic feedback everytime you press a key by going here:
HKLM\Software\HTC\ezsip\VibrationEnabled and change 1 to 0.
Enable Onscreen Menu When Camera Launched
Once you have launched the camera app, if you want to zoom in or change the capture mode or access the settings menu, you have to press the menu icon in the lower right corner. Now you can have the on screen menu automatically show for 6 seconds once you have launched the camera - thus saving you a screen tap and time. Use this tweak: HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\General\ShowUIAfterLaunch Camera and change 0 to 1.
Enable Clearer In Call Recording
When recording phone calls via the Menu, Record option during an active call, the clarity might not be that good. Add the following tweak to make the recordings of both parties clearer. Phone call recordings are saved to your Notes app. Go to HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\WaveDev and add a new DWord Value. Name: MixModeRecord and DWord: 1. If Record does not show up in the menu during an ACTIVE call, use the following tweak: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Voice. Change AllowInCallRecording and EnableCallRecordMenuItem from 0 to 1.
Enable Speedier Entries When Setting Times
If you have your clock set to 24hour format, when entering times in a new appointment or setting a new alarm you have to scroll through 24 numbers to choose the right hour. By going to Settings Tab, Date & Time and unchecking 24-hour format, you now only have to scroll through 12 digits when selecting an hour - thus quicker to execute.
Change Landscape Angle for Better Bedtime Viewing
If you browse the web or send emails while laying down (say in bed) it can be very frustrating that your phone switches to lanscape when you want it to stay in portrait mode. Execute the following reg tweak so that the phone will only rotate to landscape if it is tilted over 60 degrees as opposed to 35 degrees. HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCSensor\GSensor\LandscapeAngle Threshold and change from 35 to 60.
Hidden Links on Home Tab
Put your Weather and Calendar tabs towards the end of the other tabs as you can easily access those tabs by pressing the weather graphic under the flip clock and by tapping on the date - all on the Home tab. Also you can access the World Clock by tapping on the flip clock and you can access the Alarm Clock page by tapping on the Alarm text - again all on the Home Tab.
Instantly Convert Web Youtube Videos into Mobile Viewable Videos in Browser
Sometimes when clicking on a link to a Youtube video it will take you to the Desktop version of the video and of course our phones do not support Flash videos in Opera. Simply delete the 'www' in the video url and replace it with the letter 'm' and reload. It will now show the mobile version of that page and allow you to play the video with your built in HTC Youtube Player.